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"If the people take a course to bring the blessings of heaven upon them, they will increase in everything. If they refuse obedience to the Holy Priesthood, they will dwindle and go into unbelief and apostacy; they will be contracted in their views and feelings; the fruit trees will begin to refuse to bear fruit; our flocks will begin to refuse their increase, and our fields will refuse to bring forth their crops . . . and that land eventually, unless this government and the people of the government take a different course towards the Gospel, that the Lord has revealed in the latter days, will become desolate, forlorn, and forsaken."

Church Leaders
Brigham Young
Presidents of the Church | "President Brigham Young on Tithing," Millennial Star, vol 38, p. 344 (29 May 1876).
Read 408 times Last modified on June 19, 2019