Can you help us get the word out?

Social Media - 4 hours per month

The Social Media team consists of 3 smaller teams to help manage engagement on LDSES social media platforms for Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. Working in pairs, each volunteer is asked to give an hour a week setting up scheduled posts, responding to comments, setting up scheduled events and coordinating with the Outreach Committee and Executive Director.

Newsletter Editor - 4 hours per month

We publish a monthly online newsletter and need someone to set this up each month with fresh information. We are currently utilizing Mailchimp.

Email Marketer - 2 hours per month

We would like to engage more effectively through email marketing and need an experienced Email Marketer to guide us. Strategies will be discussed for engaging interaction, fundraising campaigns and brand awareness. We use Neon CRM to manage our database and will provide access to the system.

YouTube Content Manager - 4 hours per month

LDS Earth Stewardship has begun building a YouTube Channel with playlists. We need a content manager to help us share our YouTube more effectively. Two ongoing virtual programs are adding content as it is processed. We have several pending programs that would be housed on YouTube and we need a strategy for managing content and growing subscribers. The 4 hours per month average in this posting is based on an average for a year of work. Hours will fluctuate monthly based on ongoing projects.

Website Technician - 4 hours per month

The LDS Earth Stewardship website was refreshed a few years ago and is managed through Joomla. There are many nuances that could be added or improved upon with the help of skilled volunteers. 

Media Relations - 3 hours per month

Volunteers are needed to help us communicate with media contacts in print, television and radio, and with social media influencers. Monthly hours are estimated high for the first few months to build a strategy and should slow down after a plan is in the management phase.

Click to connect through our volunteer interest form or feel free to email

Are these roles not for you?

Check out more opportunities by clicking below:

Leadership          Programs and Events          Outreach

Sustainability          Operations



Would you like to connect with a local LDS Earth Stewardship group?

Groups are forming across the United States and in other countries. Connect with a group near you, or contact us to start your own LDSES affiliated group.

Click here to find out about Local Groups