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"A short announcement of Humane Day in 1911 commented favorably on recent legislation to protect animals in the United States. However, the 'editorial thought' was that while the passage of laws was helpful, education was the more effective approach to avoid cruelty to animals. It was stated that kindness to animals should be 'a matter of principle, not law.' The editor suggested that children 'be taught from infancy to be kind and tender' to the animals under human care. Further, he stated: 'When every soul gets into the condition of mind that he will go out of his way to ease the suffering of a dumb animal, then many of the cruelties now complained of will disappear from the earth forever.'"

Other Sources
Gerald E. Jones
Other Writings of Mormons | Animals and the Church (2003) Page 60, footnote: Juvenile Instructor, XLVI (February, 1911), 83.
Read 371 times Last modified on June 19, 2019