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"Having restored the earth to the same glorious state in which it first existed—leveling the mountains, exalting the valleys, smoothing the rough places, making the desert fruitful, and bringing all the continents and islands together, causing the curse to be taken off, that noxious weeds, thorns, and thistles shall no longer be produced—the next thing is to regulate and restore the brute creation to their former state of peace and glory, causing enmity to cease from off the earth. But this will never be done until there is a general destruction poured out upon man, which will entirely cleanse the earth and sweep all wickedness from its face. This will be done by the rod of His mouth, and by the breath of His lips; or in other words, by fire as universal as the flood. . . . Thus having cleansed the earth and glorified it with the knowledge of God, as the waters cover the sea, and having poured out his Spirit upon all flesh, both man and beast becoming perfectly harmless as they were in the beginning, and feeding on vegetable food only, while nothing is left to hurt or destroy in all the vast creation."

Church Leaders
Parley P. Pratt
General Authorities | A Voice of Warning, and Instruction to All People: Or An Introduction to the Faith and Doctrine of the Church of Jesus Christ, of Latter Day Saints, pg 106.
Read 156 times Last modified on September 04, 2019