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"Another contributor of humanitarianism, J.H. Parry, quoted Isaiah 11:6 concerning the wolf dwelling peacefully with the lamb. Parry stated that the animal world was at peace before sin entered the world with the fall of Adam and Eve. He contended that much was to 'be done to educate mankind to acts of love and kindness' before the millennial state would bring back the condition of love and harmony with the brute creation. Because man was 'the first who sinned,' man was to 'take the first step towards restoring the earth to its primeval state of happiness.' First man must 'learn to be kind to the animal creation' about them, wrote Parry, and then the animals would reciprocate. Commenting specifically about the snake, Parry said that men seem to desire to kill snakes immediately at the sight of them. But, he wrote, all animals contain 'a certain degree of intelligence,' therefore they deserve kind treatment. He wrote that 'kindness to the animal creation is a principle of the gospel we have to learn.' Indeed, thought Parry, it was to be the efforts of the Saints in living the principles of kindness that would bring about the millennial reign of peace spoken of by the prophet Isaiah."

Other Sources
Gerald E. Jones
Other Writings of Mormons | Animals and the Church (2003) [Pages 48-9, footnote: J.H. Parry, "Kindness to Animals," Juvenile Instructor, XV (January, 1880), 2-3.]
Read 162 times Last modified on July 24, 2019