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"One year after the first Humane Day the general superintendency of the Sunday School, composed of George Q. Cannon, superintendent, and counselors George Goddard and Karl G. Maeser, spoke of the day as 'Mercy Day.' The purpose of the day according [to] the superintendency, was to 'inspire in the hearts of our young people a love for all the creations of our Heavenly Father' because 'He commands kindness and consideration in their behalf.' Scriptural references were given to the readers for aid in presenting the principle of mercy to animals. The article closed with a favorable report of the treatment of animals in India."

Other Sources
Gerald E. Jones
Other Writings of Mormons | Animals and the Church (2003) [Page 53, footnote: Juvenile Instructor, XXXIII (January 15, 1898), 69-70.]
Read 183 times Last modified on July 30, 2019