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"Animals were even accorded the blessings of the priesthood by being administered to when will by the sacred ritual of anointing with consecrated olive oil. Elders would lay their hands upon the head of the afflicted animal and a prayer would be offered that the beast be healed of its malady. In one instance the justification was that Joel had prophesied in the Old Testament that 'in the latter day the Lord would pour out his spirit upon all flesh.' Since the horse qualified by having flesh, it was administered to by some priesthood holders and the result was that it 'rolled twice over in great distress, sprang to his feet, squared, vomited and purged, and the next morning was harnessed,' able to pull a heavy load as usual."

Other Sources
Gerald E. Jones
Other Writings of Mormons | Animals and the Church (2003) [Page 30, footnote: Elden Watson (ed.), Manuscript History of Brigham Young, 1846-1847 (Salt Lake City: Elden Watson, 1971), 84. Also see Preston Nibley, Presidents of the Church (Salt Lake City: Deseret Book Co., 1959), 235, concerning Hyrum Smith's widow and her oxen.]
Read 185 times Last modified on July 30, 2019