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"I was surprised to find that Joseph Smith taught that humans should be kind to the animal world. One famous incident was when a group of men known as Zion's Camp were going from Ohio to Missouri to help alleviate the persecution of the Church members. En route they found some rattlesnakes and were about to kill them when Joseph stopped them with the injunction not to kill any living creature unless necessary to protect human life. The snakes could be avoided and removed without harming them and so that is what was done. He further implied that the peaceful millennial reign of Christ could not take place until people learned to be kind to all living creatures first. There was a direct implication that Isaiah's prophecy in Isaiah 11:6-9 and 65:25 was partly humanity's responsibility to set the moral climate for this peace between animals and humans and each other. One of the revelations in the Doctrine and Covenants, section 77, stated that animals have spirits and will be resurrected. This, of course, is a radical departure from traditional Christian church views. It was another reason for me to rethink my views of life."

Other Sources
Gerald E. Jones
Other Writings of Mormons | Animals and the Church (2003) (Page vi)
Read 166 times Last modified on August 01, 2019