Fall Forum Announced for 11/28/2020: Sister Sharon Eubank returns to continue discussing the intersection between earth stewardship and humanitarian work. And she wants to hear from you first. Learn how.

Sister Sharon Eubank begins her talk at the 2019 Fall Forum Sister Sharon Eubank begins her talk at the 2019 Fall Forum
November 04, 2020

LDS Earth Stewardship is pleased to announce the 2020 Fall Forum. This year Sister Sharon Eubank, the first counselor in the general presidency of the Relief Society, returns to follow up on her appearance from the 2019 event at the White Chapel in Salt Lake City.

At the close of her 2019 talk she welcomed us into the discussion. She invited "I ask you seriously and thoughtfully to consider the question: what does Zion have to do with stewardship of the Earth?" and further offered that "I want to hear from you, not as an assignment but because I care so deeply about the potential answers."

We have been highlighting responses to the three questions she left with us in 2019 through interviews in our monthly newsletter and on our social media platforms. We feel humbled and blessed to have her help in teaching these principles.

Now is your opportunity to be heard. Your response(s) may be included in this year's program which will be broadcast on Saturday November 28th (more details on the program itself will be released soon). Learn more by clicking the SUBMIT YOUR THOUGHTS button below. Submissions will be accepted until Sunday November 8th at 5:00 Mountain Time.