Two Voices of Rural Earth Stewardship

November 18, 2018

It was an incredible treat to hear from Abby and Spencer Cox. Abby shared photos and stories of growing up on a farm, what drew her back to farm life, and how she learned unselfish stewardship by caring for farm animals. She concluded, “I thank God every day for the experiences I had as a child that stirred in me a desire to learn, work, and love this incredible planet that He has created.” The Lt. Governor highlighted three ways nature helps us get what we long for: connecting experiences with others, contemplative experiences on our own, and work experiences that give us a sense of accomplishment. Preserving these experiences is critical to the human soul. After sharing some of his personal nature experiences, he exhorted us to take off our political ‘tribal jackets’ so we can find solutions together instead of talking past each other. He reminded us, “There is so much room for coming together and for compromise.” He concluded on a spiritual note by explaining his fascination with Brigham Young, who spoke plainly about the value of the natural world. Young’s teachings helped Cox understand that the earth will become our celestial home not by magic but because the millennium will be spent cleaning it up. “The faith I believe in,” Cox concluded, “teaches us to care about human beings, that we are special, and that we have a responsibility and a stewardship [over the earth].”

Along with Lt. Governor Cox, we express our gratitude to all the members of LDS Earth Stewardship: “Thank you for what you are doing to help spread the good word of stewardship and responsibility.”

We also express our gratitude to our sponsors--the faculty research group BYU Environmental Ethics Initiative (faculty research group), BYUSA’s BYU Earth Stewardship Club, and BYU Law School’s Environmental Energy & Resource Society and Government & Public Law Society--for their aid and support.


Watch the entire Fall Forum event with the Coxes here: